In "Douglas Is Cancelled," Hugh Bonneville portrays Douglas Bellowes, a middle-aged and highly respected news anchor, while Gillan plays his clever sidekick, Madeline. Douglas leads a seemingly perfect life, relishing his status as a national treasure and host of the popular current affairs show "Live at Six." Behind the scenes, he enjoys a harmonious home with his wife Sheila, who is a newspaper editor.
However, their world is shattered when, during a family wedding, Douglas is overheard making an inappropriate joke. A guest threatens to expose him on social media, triggering a frenzy of rumors that swiftly disrupt his personal and professional life. Madeline, his tech-savvy co-anchor with 2 million social media followers, could potentially support Douglas by defending him online... but will she choose to do so? 秋霞影视网为您提供影片《道格拉斯被取消了第一季》高清无删减版手机免费在线观看,还有最新热播的vip电影,电视剧【高清免费不卡】更多好看热播经典影视视频尽在秋霞影视网。