The movie "Wish You Happiness" tells the story of a couple, Luo Yu (played by Xiao Yang) and Bai Hui (played by Song Jia), who, during their divorce cooling-off period, become involved in a dispute over the ownership of an embryo of a bereaved elderly man (played by Ni Dahong) in their roles as a lawyer and a doctor. As the end of the divorce cooling-off period approaches, they gradually gain new insights into themselves, marriage, and family during this time. 秋霞影视网为您提供影片《祝你幸福!》高清无删减版手机免费在线观看,还有最新热播的vip电影,电视剧【高清免费不卡】更多好看热播经典影视视频尽在秋霞影视网。