"The Burning House" introduces Montse (played by Emma Vilarasau), who is filled with excitement as she anticipates spending a weekend with her entire family at her house in Cadaqués, on the Costa Brava. Despite being divorced for a considerable time, her ex now has a new partner, and her children have grown up, leading their own lives with little regard for her. Nevertheless, her enthusiasm and optimism remain unshaken. This long-awaited moment, which she has dreamt of for so long, is finally here. Montse is determined that this weekend will be perfect, even if she has to resort to extreme measures to ensure it. 秋霞影视网为您提供影片《燃烧的房子》高清无删减版手机免费在线观看,还有最新热播的vip电影,电视剧【高清免费不卡】更多好看热播经典影视视频尽在秋霞影视网。