"The Curse Necklace" portrays a family navigating the turbulent dynamics of the 1960s. The mother, deciding to separate from her alcoholic husband, faces the challenges of single parenthood while her daughters struggle to adapt to the changes in their family dynamic. Meanwhile, an antique necklace gifted by their father holds a dark force that threatens to endanger them all. As they confront the sinister influence of the necklace, the family must unite against this supernatural threat that looms over their already troubled lives. 秋霞影视网为您提供影片《诅咒项链》高清无删减版手机免费在线观看,还有最新热播的vip电影,电视剧【高清免费不卡】更多好看热播经典影视视频尽在秋霞影视网。